Monday, February 22, 2010

Colorful Google!

I've been a user of almost 23 (Yes. 23. In fact there are many more)of Google's services and feel satisfied enough with the top notch services. The way you can customise google to meet your own tastes is awesome.

Long back, I came across a the Blackle Search Engine which at first, I thought to be a part of Google Program but it was simply using Google Search Engine with the Energy Saving Black Background.

Its obvious that some energy conscious offices and users might have already made it the Homepage.
Rightly so. That is a great step to reduce your electricity bill. Because White color uses much more energy than Black.

OK, its obvious that Google will have problems in taking these steps altogether for the Whole world.

But I would say, rather than making it all black suddenly, why can't they leave it to the users?
I mean by default they can keep it white as usual. But once you login Google should be displayed in user's favorite color (need not be black). Simple!

There have been debates and blogs around the world about this, because almost every computer sees Google for a large amount of time per day than any other site. This makes Google the most power consuming site across the world.

I was just thinking why Google itself never thought of this, which actually is a very small step for them. This will also enable those energy conscious people to shift their favorite Google to Black while other enjoy their favorite Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink ...... etc.

Hoping to see a Colorful Google soon.

Ideas Click!

What do you think? Please Comment.

Here are some examples of colored search engines :-
Blue search
Green search
Pink search
Purple search
Yellow search

Reference :- ecoIron


  1. Please make your blog background black so as to save energy

  2. Hacker Google:-
